Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Relactation is restarting #breastfeeding again after you have stopped .It is the process of stimulating your breast to make #breastmilk again Even if you have weaned for several weeks or months it is possible to bring back your #breastmilk supply However it can take... Continue reading
BLOCKED or PLUGGED ducts not clearing ? During breastfeeding the breastmilk flows through the milk ducts to the nipple .If these milk ducts become blocked or breastmilk has problems going through the ducts it forms a clog and this is known as a Blocked... Continue reading
EXPRESSED BREASTMILK SMELL ODD? A soapy smell or taste? Breastmilk contains an enzyme called lipase it helps to break down fats for the baby to easily digest. Some mothers have an excess of the enzyme lipase which causes breakdown of fats soon after... Continue reading
The most difficult times faced by many parents with a newborn are the night time feedings. Many struggle with sleep deprivation coupled with the endless cycle of feeding day and night. Some mothers are already exhausted during pregnancy and post-delivery. Sleep deprivation is... Continue reading
As an Irish father I had never had much to do with breastfeeding until my wife Mary decided to breastfeed. Both our mums and older sisters had all followed the traditional Irish method of bottle feeding for various reasons .When Mary became pregnant for... Continue reading
Many mums are exhausted after the birth of their newborn and the constant needs of a baby. Many mums wake up in the early days feeling as though they have not slept at all. Sleep deprivation is real and is one of most difficult... Continue reading
Hand Expression means using your hand to compress your breast so that the breastmilk comes out, and then collecting it in a clean container. It is a skill all mothers should learn. If you are pregnant it is a useful technique to learn before... Continue reading