What’s a nursing strike ? A baby that has been breastfeeding/ chestfeeeding well suddenly refuses to nurse .It may last for a couple of days... Continue reading
What’s a nursing strike ? A baby that has been breastfeeding/ chestfeeeding well suddenly refuses to nurse .It may last for a couple of days... Continue reading
Relactation is restarting #breastfeeding again after you have stopped .It is the process of stimulating your breast to make #breastmilk again Even if you... Continue reading
BLOCKED or PLUGGED ducts not clearing ? During breastfeeding the breastmilk flows through the milk ducts to the nipple .If these milk ducts become... Continue reading
EXPRESSED BREASTMILK SMELL ODD? A soapy smell or taste? Breastmilk contains an enzyme called lipase it helps to break down fats for the... Continue reading
The most difficult times faced by many parents with a newborn are the night time feedings. Many struggle with sleep deprivation coupled with... Continue reading
As an Irish father I had never had much to do with breastfeeding until my wife Mary decided to breastfeed. Both our mums and... Continue reading
Many mums are exhausted after the birth of their newborn and the constant needs of a baby. Many mums wake up in the early... Continue reading
Hand Expression means using your hand to compress your breast so that the breastmilk comes out, and then collecting it in a clean container.... Continue reading
After the birth of my second child my father passed away unexpectedly. I remember speaking to him the day prior to his heart surgery... Continue reading